Ermera Library Project (Completed 2012)

Can you imagine a world without books? Less than 60% of Timorese people over 15 are literate.  Improving literacy rates is extremely difficult due to the high cost and scarcity of books (even school books!).

In Timor Leste, public libraries are often the only source of books and literacy support for regional and rural communities. Unfortunately they are very poorly resourced and access is limited. Children and adults are rarely able to enjoy the benefits that books and reading can afford communities.

Ermera, which is one of the largest districts in Timor Leste with over 103,169 residents was no different (National Census 2004).

In 2010, a new partnership was formed between Timor Leste Vision (TLV) and Biblioteka Ermera.

Biblioteka Ermera was set up by a not-for-profit organisation to help raise literacy levels in the District. The organisation’s key objectives is to:

  1. Set up six branches of a public library service
  2. Coordinate community reading activities
  3. Writing and publishing books in local languages
  4. Instruct teachers in local schools how to use books in the classroom
  5. Work with midwives and parents at the hospital, giving parents’ skills to use books with their children
  6. Link with women’s groups and community groups to encourage parents to read, sing and talk to their babies and young children

TLV partnered with this organisation for 3 years. We supported the building of a new library branch in Hatolia, purchased furniture for the main library in Gleno and paid for Tetum books to be produced and distributed.

Funds raised for this project came from fundraising events and the generosity of Australians like you.

Without the support of the ‘Friends of TLV’ we could not continue, so we would like to thank all of our loyal supporters who contributed their time and funds to support our efforts!  Without you – none of this would be possible!

Our project partners in Timor would also like to express their thanks…

I am really proud of you and your team …. We all appreciate for [sic] your support for outreach programs and it will help us to deliver better programs.

Elisabeth, Biblioteka Ermera

To view photos from this project, see our gallery.