As of March 2024, TLV’s largest project to date, the pre-primary school in Ponilala, has at last opened its doors to numerous children of pre-primary age.
Completion of Ponilala Kindergarten / Pre-School

As of March 2024, TLV’s largest project to date, the pre-primary school in Ponilala, has at last opened its doors to numerous children of pre-primary age.
The Manufahi Sanitation Project is now complete!! For this project TLV will be installing toilets at the school and at locations identified by the communities in three villages in the area of Manufahi, the villages being Beremanek, Tahu-Bein and Debuwa’en. These communities have prioritised this need recognising the activity’s immense value and great need to reduce and eradicate open defecation …
The Rialeco community will be involved throughout the project’s design and implementation and will be provided with relevant training and support to maintain the new facilities into the future.
The Sister School Project will create a platform Australian schools the opportunity to support a East Timorese school.
In Timor-Leste, a nation of only 1.2 million people, 300,000 people do not have access to safe water, approximately 700,000 people do not have access to adequate sanitation.
In Timor Leste (East Timor) 300,000 people do not have access to safe water, approximately 700,000 people don’t have access to adequate sanitation and over 160 children die every year
Accommodation for students in Dili is extremely limited and Timor Leste Vision’s sponsored students have all been impacted by this shortage. TLV’s Scholarship Program has been running since in 2005.
Many talented students in the Letefoho community desire to make a difference. To learn, to educate, and to bring those skills home. Without access to education this talent is wasted.
Can you imagine a world without books? Less than 60% of Timorese people over 15 are literate. Improving literacy rates is extremely difficult due to the high cost and scarcity of books (even school books!).
In Timor Leste (East Timor), it’s not uncommon for students to walk several hours to school every day. Affordable boarding schools help families in remote areas to allow their children to continue their studies.