In Timor-Leste, a nation of only 1.2 million people, 300,000 people do not have access to safe water, approximately 700,000 people do not have access to adequate sanitation, and over 100 children under five die every year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
The small isolated village of Funar located in the northwest of Laclubar Subdistrict, Manatuto District, is just one of many rural areas that does not have easy access to clean water and sanitation.
Funar has two community schools and approximately 1,790 inhabitants. However, the only source of water currently available to the community is a 7Km walk away, and the two toilets located at the schools have been badly damaged and can not be used.
TLV are excited to be working with the community of Funar to provide a long term solution to this unacceptable situation. The two main stages of work for the Funar project are detailed below.
STAGE 1 – Water System Repairs and Delivery
The existing water system is damaged and non-operational. TLV will repair and extend the system to ensure water delivery to both schools and households throughout the community. This will include repair of the leaking water pipes, replacement of broken taps, and installation of new water tanks.
STAGE 2 – Sanitation
Public toilets will be constructed at the schools to ensure the children have access to clean sanitation. This will especially have a long term improvement in girls accessing education, as a lack of adequate sanitation facilities is known to be a major deterrent for girls not attending school.
Long term sustainability is a primary principle of all TLV’s projects. We are committed to working in partnership with the community to complete the project and develop a strategy for the long-term maintenance of the water system, as well as providing education regarding the importance of hygiene.
TLV is extremely excited about our new project and the impact it will have on the Funar community. This initiative relies on the generous contribution of our supporters. Please contact the TLV team if you would like more information on this project.