The Sister School Project is being developed to create a platform for schools in both countries to learn from each other, create international friendships between students and give Australian schools the opportunity to support a school in the rural areas of Timor Leste.
What we aim to achieve
Our first point of contact will be with Hatete Primary School. From there we hope to target many more of the primary schools in the rural areas of East Timor. We would like to;
• Create international friendships between Australia and East Timor
• Export much needed resources and materials to the schools in East Timor
• Encourage co-investment and sustainability of the Sister School Project
How can you help?
The TLV team is extremely excited about our new project and the impact it will have on the Hatete community! But without the ‘Friends of TLV’ we could not continue as this initiative will rely on the generous contributions of our supporters. If you would like more information on this project or if you see an opportunity to help, please contact the TLV team!